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Discover valuable insights and expert analysis on IT assessments and cybersecurity in the RapidFire Tools Blog. Stay ahead with practical tips and trends for MSPs, IT professionals, and businesses, ensuring effective defense against cyber threats and delivering exceptional IT services.

Cybersecurity Network Security

How Vulnerable are SMB IT Networks?

A common cyberattack strategy hackers like to use involves scanning the target’s system for vulnerabilities. Once a weakness is discovered, they leverage it to their advantage. And for …

Business Enablement Business Management Operational Efficiency

What is the MSP Client Lifecycle?

Client lifecycle management plays a huge role in the business growth of managed service providers (MSPs). Many businesses tend to focus too much on customer acquisition and not enough on expanding …

Cybersecurity Network Assessment Network Security

A Complete Guide to IT Audits

While the IT infrastructure of organizations today has evolved tremendously, it has also become more vulnerable to security threats (internal and external) than ever before. Now more than ever, …

Cybersecurity Data Breach

Protect Yourself and Your Clients

Cyber insurance continues to be a hot topic…and a hot commodity. According to a recent article in Th Harvard Business Review, “The severity of financial consequences has been profound. Ransoms have …

Business Enablement Sales & Marketing

How to Price IT Services for Profit

The biggest challenge preventing many managed service providers from growing is pricing. If you don’t charge enough, you struggle to make a profit on the services you deliver. You also undermine …